Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Encouragement on the Last Day of my 1st Clinical Rotation

As I embark on the last day of my first clinical rotation, I reflect back to how much work it took to get into the nursing program.

I worked my BUTT OFF to get into this program. The countless hours of studying, reading, memorizing, testing, practicing... the CNA course alone was torturous! Now that I am here, I have felt like giving up quite a bit. I keep telling myself what everyone else is telling me, "One day it will all be worth it."

Of course, that's so cliche and it doesn't resonate well with me. But there are other sentiments, that follow, that do resonate well with me.

"This is just the first step in a long journey toward my ultimate goal."

"This period is one of great learning opportunity, do not take it for granted."

"Enjoy every day, every challenge because tomorrow there will be a new challenge that is just as daunting and having conquered this one will make me more able to conquer those that follow."

"Take time for yourself and your family, you deserve it!"

"Don't stress out over a B or C grade. It's the actual LEARNING and APPLYING KNOWLEDGE that matters most!"

"Many others have succeeded at this nursing program, and I will, too!"

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